Saturday, January 29, 2005

Anonymous no more

As of this entry I have turned off anonymous comments. I really enjoyed the last dumbass's comments. He made me laugh. Sorry Dan if you want to comment but I'm just tired of stupid shit winding up on my blog that did'nt come from me. Anyways I still should be leaving soon. I've been spending the last two nights watch dvd's on a friends laptop. Anchorman is so damn funny. I especially think that Brick is the funniest shit on there. Just the random shit that comes out of his mouth. Reminds me of someone. I also watched Troy. I thought it was pretty awesome. Aliens vs. Predator was marginal. I just can't buy off on the whole being friends with the Predator thing. Resident Evil 2 was pretty cool. Team America had me pissing in my pants. America, Fuck Yeah.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

It worked

As you can see I figured out how to do some changing in my blog. I need to say thanks to Nathan and Derek for thier help. Mad props to my peeps. I should be leaving in about 1 to 2 weeks. I have never missed Okinawa until now. When I get I am going to buy some new golf clubs and hit the golf courses right away( after spending some quality time with the fam of course). I need to catch up on my X-Box time as well. I have'nt played since late Dec. I have'nt even got any where on Halo 2 and now there are some more sweet games that have come out. I watched Napolean Dynamite for the 5th time today. That movie is awesome ( Kerri hated it, but I don't blame her it can be pretty odd at times). Well back to work.

Monday, January 24, 2005

I must be a moron...

I still have no idea how to do a lot of things on this blog. I look at Nathan's and he's got links to all sorts of shit. How do I do that? Also how do I add pics to each posting? If anyone can give me step by step instructions ( remember it's me so I might be a little slow) I would appreciate it. On another subject I have pissing myself laughing the last couple of nights. I've been going to That site is awesome. Also I've been visitng and I have had the same results. I'm probably behind the power curve with finding theese sites but I thought I would throw them out there anyways.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Nick is going to out rank me.

I called my the last night and founf out some interesting news. My brother Nick is going to go to Quantico VA. this summer and will be going through officer canidate school. That makes 3 out 4 Boutin brothers that have servd in the Marine Corps. I guess that is what we do. She also said that Aaron is going to join the Coast Gaurd. He must be the only one of us with common sense. With Nick going to an officer that will mean that I will have to salute him if we are both in uniform. How messed up is that? I will have been in for 9 years on Feb. 12th and he will outrank me upon completion of OCS. And in few short years he will make more money than me. Again how messed up is that? On another subject my mother also informed me that AHS will no longer be running the German and Franch classes next year. They cannot find the funding to support the two classes and will only offer Spanish. This will eventually turn into other classes that they find not necessary being cut. I really can't understand cutting education but not cuting or raising the cost of some of the sports that the school offers. Don't get me wrong, I think that organized sports are a critical part of developing a child to be a productive person but come on lets not cut education. With that said I'll post more later. I have to get back to work.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Jeremy don't talk Thai, Jeremy Don't talk Thai at all

Well it is over the two week time mark and I am begining to hate Thailand. I do enloy some things but in general the whole place is a festering pool of std laiden hookers and foul smells.
Here is a list of what I hate about Thailand:
1. Every other block there is a rotten sewer stench.
2. Every ten feet some jerk wants to sell me an "armani suit" ( I did get two made for me)
3. Every five feet I get sexually harassed by the std laidened hookers.
4. The whole buying process requires at least 10 mins. of just bartering.
5. The food is hard on the intestines.
6.No regard for pedestrian traffic. I saw a group of school kids damn near get plowed by a tourit bus on many occasions.
7. Boys Town. ( Very scary)
8. Fat old europeans with before mentioned hookers.
What I like about Thailand:
1. Cheap knockoff clothing.
2. Cheap dvd's that sometimes are still in the theaters.
3. The average person is extremely nice.
4. Cheap electronics.
I work at night so I only go out into Pattaya beach during the day. The beach on the hotel grounds is filled with fat russian men ( who have no problem sporting the speedo) and half naked russian women. After all is said and done I'd rather be in Japan where everything at least is some what familiar and normal there. I would like to throw out this disclaimer though. I am very happy to be here in support of the Tsunami victims. The portion of Thailand that I am in has been unaffected for the most part by the devistation. I feel a deep sorrow for those who have lost loved ones and all of their belongings. So please do not take my negative waves for the common ugly american attitude. I just hate to see such lack of morales and common courtesy for the average human being. I really have no intentions of hurting the feelingsof the average local. I should be home within the next month. I'll keep posting when I get the chance.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Jack talk Thai, Jack talk thai very well

Well I'm here. It's going well. We are slated to be here for about 45 to 60 days. We are somewhat far away from the total destruction. We are staying in a hotel and take buses back and forth to work. I am taking meds to prevent any diseases that are out here and we get bottled water to drink. It' not really that bad being here. We work in shifts of 8 hours and 16 hgours off. I have the 5:00 to 1:00 shift. The other day Dan rather was here and interviewed my Marines. I avoided him for the most part. I will be keeping up with the blog as much as I can. Take care all , and I hope I'll be home soon.