Sunday, January 16, 2005

Jeremy don't talk Thai, Jeremy Don't talk Thai at all

Well it is over the two week time mark and I am begining to hate Thailand. I do enloy some things but in general the whole place is a festering pool of std laiden hookers and foul smells.
Here is a list of what I hate about Thailand:
1. Every other block there is a rotten sewer stench.
2. Every ten feet some jerk wants to sell me an "armani suit" ( I did get two made for me)
3. Every five feet I get sexually harassed by the std laidened hookers.
4. The whole buying process requires at least 10 mins. of just bartering.
5. The food is hard on the intestines.
6.No regard for pedestrian traffic. I saw a group of school kids damn near get plowed by a tourit bus on many occasions.
7. Boys Town. ( Very scary)
8. Fat old europeans with before mentioned hookers.
What I like about Thailand:
1. Cheap knockoff clothing.
2. Cheap dvd's that sometimes are still in the theaters.
3. The average person is extremely nice.
4. Cheap electronics.
I work at night so I only go out into Pattaya beach during the day. The beach on the hotel grounds is filled with fat russian men ( who have no problem sporting the speedo) and half naked russian women. After all is said and done I'd rather be in Japan where everything at least is some what familiar and normal there. I would like to throw out this disclaimer though. I am very happy to be here in support of the Tsunami victims. The portion of Thailand that I am in has been unaffected for the most part by the devistation. I feel a deep sorrow for those who have lost loved ones and all of their belongings. So please do not take my negative waves for the common ugly american attitude. I just hate to see such lack of morales and common courtesy for the average human being. I really have no intentions of hurting the feelingsof the average local. I should be home within the next month. I'll keep posting when I get the chance.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

So what have you been doing work-wise? If you're not where the devasation is are you like loading helios or something? I saw the picts of your kids at the butterfly gardens. It's probably best you didn't go. I know how you like to taunt monkeys.

11:17 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

I personaly am a tech con watch assist officer. I report any loss of communication with outlying sites that are actually in the devastated areas. My unit provides the communication with those outlying sites as well as comm for air traffic coordination. Really easy stuff just hard to setup everything at first. When I get back I'll explain every comm service that we provided.

9:11 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

They want 12,000 baht (almost $270) and are'nt too willing to drop below 9000 baht for the DVD players. They are no name 7 in. screens so I'm sorry I won't be getting one for ya.

6:52 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Jay-sus, DVD player are cheaper in the states. How about a Mp3 playing car stereo?

11:11 AM  
Blogger Evan For some unkown reason said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:21 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

I really don't appreciate any anti-government links be it blogs or not. I am a service member and really don't feel like hearing how bad shit is. If you have an opinion and live in Oregon they have all sorts of places for you and others to get the left wing topics off your chests. No offence to friends or enemies it's just that I am part of the system that everyone loves to hate and it all gets real old real quick.

9:13 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Bah, he was probably just spamming every site he found. You can delete his comment BTW. Hating the gov't and ranting about it on a blog is so last week. You want to change the world Evan? Get off your ass, out from behind your computer and raise hell. Boring blogs like yours litter the internet and have faded into the background like ads for Viagra. No one cares because you're all talk, no action.

11:07 AM  

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