Sunday, December 05, 2004

In Pain

I really don't want to go to work tommorow. I will start week 2 of of 3 week course in Marine Corps martial arts. I am so tired of being thrown to the ground, punched in the stomache, and in general I am tired of bing worn out. We doing exersizes that would wear anyone out for two hours every morning, followed up by fighting each other for two hours, then some class room time, and then we learn some new throws or chokes. It's really hard. But I will be a better person for it. Yeah. If any one has a good DVD label and cover sight I would greatly appreciate a link.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

also, you used to like geting thrown and punched...what happened to that Jeremey man?

11:30 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Yeah, you need to take a trip to Pirate Island...AKA Hong Kong.

12:21 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

DVD's are not a dollar here. I am on an island some what far from mainland Japan. There really is'nt the corruption that mainland Japan has. Besides DVD-r's are about a dollar a piece anyways.

7:42 PM  

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