Saturday, June 19, 2004

It's me again

Yes it has been a while, but. who cares. I have nothing to talk about except I have been on a three day beer binge. Other than that nothing new going on. I will comming up to Oregon in a few months( Sept). If you can clear some time we should all meet at someones house. I will be graduating on Sept. 3rd. So any day around the 10th will be good. I've got sunshine in a bag, I'm useless but not for long,the future is coming.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Gorillaz, cool

"Yes it has been a while, but. who cares." I care mother fucker. I come to see if you've updated your blog every day at work

You can stay here though Lauren will be 9 months pregnant. Colin's would be bad because they will have a fresh screaming baby by then. Derek's maybe? I don't know if I should be that far away though. Lauren's due date is the 24th

12:53 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Also, set this thing up to allow anonymous comments, colin wants to post

11:24 PM  

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