Friday, July 02, 2004

I need to learn Japaneese

Well I finally got my orders. I am heading east. The far east. Okinawa Japan. I'm ok with this, except I won't see the US very much over the next three years. The good thing is I will be receiving $892 more a paycheck for cost of living, and beer is really cheap over there. I am buying a Nissan Laurel from a good friend that is already over there., which I will be driving on the other side of the road. That'll be fun the couple of weeks. I'll have a good chance of seeing Austalia while I'm there, as well as Thailand (again), Korea and possibly eastern Russia. I should be comming up to Oregon around the first week of Sept. Nathan, I will try to keep up on posting more and I changed my settings so anyone can comment. Anyways I'll holla at ya'll later. Push the little daisies and make em come up.


Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

Ok so we need to plan a big get together for like a weekend or three days. Three days of drinking, roundball, video games, and debochery. And we need to get Dan home for this. This is gonna be big, it may just be the last time we see J for a long time, so we gots to party like its 1999.....We should even get corey for this one, he was pretty cool when we were down in Sandiego for the strike in December.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

YES, we need to do this.

8:36 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Dan, Colin and Derek are going to Trish's wedding. I can drive up to your house as well. Spet is going to be rough for me as the baby is due on the 24th so I have to stay close to home then. Amy is due anytime as well

Japan is cool. I want you to video tape the commercials there and send them to me. Mistada Sparkle!

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

I think we should all go down to nathan's house. Tricia's wedding is in early august and jeremy isn't coming up until sept. So we should all meet up at eugene in september.


4:30 AM  

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