Friday, July 27, 2007

If anyone cares...

... I'll be home in a month (Kerri leaves in a week). I will be back in the good ol' US of A on September 1st. I'll fly into Sea-Tac and from there I will head to Astoria. I will spend a few days there before I head to Corvallis to get my truck from Nick and then I will head to Cali. If anyone has any detour plans let me know. I really don't have too much planed as long as I am in California by September 10th (Kerri's B-Day). Of course this is all subject to change due to the military's unrelenting incompetence in administrative duties. I will keep everyone up date to the more I find out.


Blogger Colin For some unkown reason said...

I care. It sucks that your kids won't be able to see my kids though. I guess we'll have to trek down to your place.

2:27 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

We will be back for X-Mas. We'll have to get together then.

4:51 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Corvallis is 40 minutes north of me and I have lots of room :)

9:46 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Cool man. I'll be heading your way then. Let everyone know. I am looking at the weekend before the 10th of Sept. Let me know. I'll call you when I get in. Email me your phone number.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Colin For some unkown reason said...

Fuck! I hope you mean september 1st-2nd because I will be out of town on the 8th, 9th.

1:59 PM  

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