Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Say hello to my little mid-life crisis

Well turning thirty happened only a few weeks ago and I think I have made my first mid-life crisis purchase. This is the Harley Davidson Sportswear 1200N Nightser. I will be having this American made 1200cc bad ass delivered to my next duty station. I can't wait. I know that this is so out of the blue and so not Jeremy B, but I really can't wait to jump on and hit the road on this son of a bitch.
On a different subject, I will be getting surgery for a possible abdominal hernia on May 29th. It will be a no big deal and I get to take drugs. So it looks like I come out on top.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

that is a beautiful bike

6:04 AM  

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