Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Goodish news and more

Well I have some OK news. I found out I will not be getting recruiting orders after all. Instead I will be an instructor at the MOS school that I went to in 98' and 03'. It will actually be a better job for me. Recruiting was going to be a big drain on me. First off the hours would have been long (18 hour days, 6 days a week) and I would have only gotten X-mas (solstice for Nathan) off. Plus it would have been a hard fight just to get America's youth to join the military during a very unpopular time. Now I will be working only 5 days a week, I will be home at 4:30 everyday and I will get all holidays off. I know that it would have been cool living in P-Town but this will be very beneficial for me. I will now have time to work on getting my bachelors degree and I will also be buying a house. I am trying to get out of here mid August. So in the long and short run this will be a real great deal for me.
I went out the weekend before last and I got my advanced open water dive certification. I am now allowed to dive up to 130 feet. I went out to the Karamas islands just south of Okinawa and did some boat dives for part of my cert. I was a really great dive site. I got to finally see a sea turtle and I also got to see two stingrays. I hope I will get the chance to do it again before I leave.
One final note - thirty sucks.



Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

I forgot to do spell check so I am sure that this post is laden with spelling errors. I never have claimed to be smart.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Colin For some unkown reason said...

So where is MOS school? Is it at least in the U.S.?

What is MOS exactly? All I found was this:

1:35 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Well, it's too bad you won't be in Oregon but everything else sounds freaking great. I'm very happy for you! If has to be easier to visit now since you're stateside too, right?

Are you going to be around san diego? Hell, I'd bring the family to see you down there. I LOVE san diego.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

Good for you man, I can't believe you will be teaching people. I am thinking you will be along the lines of say Gus Fennerty! Nothing like a little Kalua in your coffee before class! Congrats man.

11:26 AM  

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