Saturday, January 22, 2005

Nick is going to out rank me.

I called my the last night and founf out some interesting news. My brother Nick is going to go to Quantico VA. this summer and will be going through officer canidate school. That makes 3 out 4 Boutin brothers that have servd in the Marine Corps. I guess that is what we do. She also said that Aaron is going to join the Coast Gaurd. He must be the only one of us with common sense. With Nick going to an officer that will mean that I will have to salute him if we are both in uniform. How messed up is that? I will have been in for 9 years on Feb. 12th and he will outrank me upon completion of OCS. And in few short years he will make more money than me. Again how messed up is that? On another subject my mother also informed me that AHS will no longer be running the German and Franch classes next year. They cannot find the funding to support the two classes and will only offer Spanish. This will eventually turn into other classes that they find not necessary being cut. I really can't understand cutting education but not cuting or raising the cost of some of the sports that the school offers. Don't get me wrong, I think that organized sports are a critical part of developing a child to be a productive person but come on lets not cut education. With that said I'll post more later. I have to get back to work.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

In my wife's school instead of cutting drama, or chior or French or Genmern or Spanish they want to cut Science...Explain THAT to me. This is a Middle school by the way

12:27 PM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

Its pretty fucking sad isn't it, but sports make money, I guess the others don't and they don't see past the $$$. So screw the education!

1:37 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Actually Lauren's school cut all the sports programs. They don't make any money until College level, and then only if you have a good program

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

First of all what the hell are you doing going into BOYS TOWN!!!!!!!!! Also I would like to know how good Michelle is sense your debit card says you have a tab with her!!!!! Hope all is well. ZEEEE

3:32 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

What's up Scott.

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

Yeah Jeremy why don't you explain the $130.00 charge for "Michelle/Thailand" She better be good for that kind of money.
Love ya, Kerri

11:02 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Let me clear things up about the $130 at Michelles. That is not a whore house. It is the tailor shop where I got my two suits made. So there.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

Its your story and you can say it like you want. When the hell you getting back so we can golf. Take care and keep it wrapped, lol.

6:00 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

I should be back around the 15th. We'll see.

10:10 PM  

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