Thursday, January 27, 2005

It worked

As you can see I figured out how to do some changing in my blog. I need to say thanks to Nathan and Derek for thier help. Mad props to my peeps. I should be leaving in about 1 to 2 weeks. I have never missed Okinawa until now. When I get I am going to buy some new golf clubs and hit the golf courses right away( after spending some quality time with the fam of course). I need to catch up on my X-Box time as well. I have'nt played since late Dec. I have'nt even got any where on Halo 2 and now there are some more sweet games that have come out. I watched Napolean Dynamite for the 5th time today. That movie is awesome ( Kerri hated it, but I don't blame her it can be pretty odd at times). Well back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

First of all, I fucking hate POGs. It's so fucked up that you little bitches get to call yourselves Marines. The mother fuckers on the front lines (grunts = REAL Marines) are what the Corps is known for, not you pussy ass little comm cunts.

Secondly, I don't think you've said one thing worth reading on this entire forum. Thank you for wasting my time. So you got to participate in the MARINE CORPS WIDE martial arts program. So you get to wear your little green or tan belt. Congratulations. I guess you're a ninja now, huh? You sure do try to sound tough. You talk about your hand-to-hand combat like you're ever going to use it. You're ass will NEVER see combat because you're too busy playing with your radios. God I hate you and all the other wannabe jarheads. I lump you in with the cooks and the fuckin' band. Eat a dick bitch.

Semper fi. Do you even know what that means you cheap ass knock off "Marine"?

6:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

SSgt Jeremy Boutin, huh? 7th Comm Bn III MHG? Fuckin' POGs.

6:23 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Good job devil dog. Way to prove to the rest of the world just how dumb grunts can be. First of all you don't know a damn thing about me. Second of all who in the fuck are you. You hid behind the anonymous entry like a little bitch. You probably have'nt even been on the front lines. I've been with the grunts, I've been with tanks( better Marines than grunts by the way) and I'll tell you right now I was'nt impressed with anything that the grunts had to show. So while you call us comm guys POGS take a good look at your fellow grunts and see that you guys are nothing but retards used for gun fodder. YOU can eat a dick bitch!

7:48 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Oh yeah if my blog was such a waste of your time why did you read it. Hello dipshit nobody forced you to read my blog, and to add to it you posted a comment on it as well. Congrats idiot, you wasted your own time. Get bent.

7:54 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Dude, it's just a troll. He hit my Jeep blog and Derek's blog too. That why I usually leave anonymous commenting off. He's just trying to get a rise. I wouldn't worry about it, just delete it. This design looks awesome BTW. Good job.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

What a cock-smoker, he has the perfect job. I can think of no better fate in the world than for that guy to get wasted on the front lines. Anyway nice job on your blog. Impressive, very impressive.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

Bah, he's not a Marine. He's a troll. It's easy to get info off the net to sound like a Marine. He's probably just some 16 year old living in his mom's basement jacking off to Jessica Alba screen caps.

It's the internet man. Everyone is a liar. I had a troll try to make it sound like I went to school with them. Just delete his post and ignore it.

ANd change the font color. it's messing with my eyes.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...

Oh I forgot to tell you, both of the X-Boxes just stoped working, I had to throw them out, sorry. And Napolean Dynamite is just stupid, you would have to be either high or drunk to enjoy that movie.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous For some unkown reason said...


Also, two up was me. The one about the troll not being a Marine. The comment directly above this one, I don't know who that is

9:37 AM  

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