Friday, December 31, 2004

I'm leaving

I will be leaving for Uttapoa Thailand tommorow night. I'll be gone for aprox. 2 mos. or so. I should be out of the messy areas as Uttapa is not really that close to the hard hit areas. So that is how I'll be ringing in the new year. I'm really looking forward to being able to go and do something good for another country. I will do my best to keep in touch with everyone the best I can. I will more than likely have some kind of internet capabilities but I'm not sure when and for how long. If you have any questions Kerri should be able to help. So I'll talk to you all later.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

A long time.

I know it's been a while but I 've been really swamped with nothing to do and I've just been really lazy lately and have no time to upate my blog. Anyways, I am now a pre-master ninja in the Marine Corps Martial Arts program. I only have two more belts to go (brown and black). I have pics and still don't know how to put on my blog so I'll be emailing them to everyone individualy. I had a really good X-mas. It was awesome watching the kids open their gifts. We got Colin a lot of legos, transformers, and some G.I. Joes( yes I'm re-living my child hood through my son). Kaitlyn got the typical girly stuff like a doll house and acsessories. Kerri got me these really cool Japaneese wooden swords. All in all despite the 70 degree weather it was a great day.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


My fantasy football team (unlike my fav. NFL team the Saints) clinched a playoff spot. Sweeet. More pain for my body this week. I know I'm whinning but this martial arts class is 8 hours a day of being thrown, choked, punched, kicked, countered and thrown, worn out through combat conditioning, and in general just plain exaustion. I don't mind any of theese things by themselves, but combined they are just killing me. I am learning some cool shit though. On monday we will be doing an amphbiious traing drill. We will fight in the ocean and then run, and low crawl the length of the beach. It will come to end eventually. Any ways look for more photos in the future from Kerri's ophoto page.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

In Pain

I really don't want to go to work tommorow. I will start week 2 of of 3 week course in Marine Corps martial arts. I am so tired of being thrown to the ground, punched in the stomache, and in general I am tired of bing worn out. We doing exersizes that would wear anyone out for two hours every morning, followed up by fighting each other for two hours, then some class room time, and then we learn some new throws or chokes. It's really hard. But I will be a better person for it. Yeah. If any one has a good DVD label and cover sight I would greatly appreciate a link.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Konichewa Mo Fo's

I'm back up. Finally. First things first. I was on the net for an hour before my pc crashed. So yes Nathan I hit your blog and shortly after that my connection went to shit. I was'nt being a jerk. Okinawa is pretty damn cool. Driving on the other side of the road has become second nature. We get all movies and games a week late. I have 6 TV channels and football comes on at 2:00 AM. We live in a some what trditional japaneese house. It is 1200 sq. ft. and is realy nice. We have two cars a Nissan Laurel and a Nissan Prarie. I am currently becoming a Marine Corps martial arts instructor. This is a Marine thing and has nothing to do with me being in japan, I would be doing this if I was in the states as well. I will need mailing addresses emailed to me from everyone so we can send some things from Japan to everyone. I will talk to every one later. Sayanara. Out.