Thursday, February 17, 2005

Gery Bettman SUCKS!

Well it is finally done. The NHL commissioner has put the nail in the coffin of this years NHL season. I am really dissapointed with this decision but I am also pissed at the players. They make an ass pile of money to do something that I would love to do, but won't allow the owners to impose a salary cap. Terrible. The only upside to this is that it is happening while I am in Japan. I was only going to get to see a small handfull of games anyways. Oh well. I did buy ESPN NHL 2K5 and it rocks. It will help me get buy.


Blogger Unknown For some unkown reason said...

Oh well, they can afford to be unemployed for a year. Complaining about how much money someone makes because the free market is willing to pay them that is slightly socialist, but sometimes it is very therapeutic. And fun.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

Hocky sucks anyway! The sport has never been able to really take off like all the other pro sports. Maybe next season.

1:54 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

The fact that they can afford to be unemployed this year is another reason that pisses mre off about this cancelation of the season. If they can afford not to work than they can afford to work for less money and a salary cap.And to you Derek, get bent. Hockey does not suck. They only reason why it is hard for people to enjoy is there is not a lot of scoring involved. Plus it is'nt a sport that most people can just pick up and go play like football, basketball and baseball. It actually takes a lot of money to get into the sport. I could go on for ever about why hockey is an awsome sport but won't ever be big enough to make a lot a money.

4:24 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Derek, Hockey rawks. I know you like it. There are fights. You fucking LOVE fights.

The only reason you don't see the audience for the NHL that you see for the NBA/NFL is because 50% of the US has no access to an ice rink. If you cannot play it, watching it doesn't have the same flair.

5:55 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

It's not even the fact that most people do't have access to an ice rink it's that even just the basic pads and stick set-up can be pricy. Not to mention get roller blades od ice skates. To get into football or basket ball all you really need is a ball and some somewhat pricy shoes or cleats. But once you buy those you're good for a while. I have played some hockey(street and floor)but nothing I would say even counts for much, and I love hockey. The reason I love it is that I remember growing up watching the Winterhawks at the Memorial Colisuem and listening to them on the radio. I had players I could watch turn pro. Not everyone gets into it like that.

2:44 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

no no no. What I meant was that most people can't experience hockey firsthand. Arizona has the Cyotes but what else? No school teams, no amatuers, no pick up games. Basketball and Football have these things. Even NASCAR has local dirt track racing. The minors are a support structure that feeds into the majors. Without the support structure people aren't going to get jazzed about the pros.

12:52 PM  

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