Monday, June 26, 2006

Diving, camping, and fighting around the world

Well I haven't been fighting. I have been camping and diving now. I am now a certified open water scuba diver. It' s pretty freaking awesome. I have done four dives now. I have seen the whole cast of Finding Nemo minus the Sharks and Rays. It's really a weird experience. If you have the opportunity to do it I highly suggest it. I'll take pics next time I go.

As far as camping, the family and I went up to a camp ground called Okuma. It's really nice. It's owned by the military so everything is almost like camping in the states, except the mass of surfers and potheads. We had a real good time. I got really sunburnt.

I have started one other thing. I started working on the guitar. I am learning pretty quickly. It's pretty easy to pick up ( I'll see if Nathan get the joke, I know his dad would). I have got a pretty good program that teaches you how to play as well as a really awesome tabs program.
Here's a pic of me and my sweet axe.