Thursday, January 26, 2006

If everything goes as planned...

... I should be in Oregon on the 4th. Are there any requests for anything from Japan. I'm going to try and tape some commercials for Nathan again.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Oi! Mother Fucker!

This would bw even better with a Black Flag or maybe a Pennywise shirt on. Regardless he rules.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

No need for a title

Not too much new going on. I'm still planning on comming home in feb. It looks like closer to mid feb. I'll be in Oregon fo rabout 10 days. If there are any plans to get together I'm all for anything. I'll be at my mom's in Astoria. Kaite really wants to see Payton and Bella, so I do hope to stop by and see Colin and Amy as well. This time I'll actually get to see more of Nathan as well.
I put my name in the hat to go to the Horn of Africa. It will count as a deployemnt in support of OEF, which means that I won't automatically be sen to a unit that's going to Iraq when we finally leave Japan. It's sounds like a pretty good set up. I would be my own boss and my only worker seeing that I would be the on communications tech there. It's not considered a combat tour. It's more looked at as a humanitarian operation. We'll see how all that plays out this summer.

Other than that, I'm just waiting on getting an XBox 360.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

It's the begining of a new year. I will join Derek in trying to blog more. We'll see. I hope to be home in early Feb. Again we'll see. Not much too new. Colin has glasses due to an astigmatism and his adult teeth are growing in behind his baby without causing them to loosen. This results in Colin having had a tooth removed. So my little buddy has had a lot happen. X-mas was great. The kids really enjoyed it. Colin got a a lot of of GI Joe Sigma 6 ad Katie got a bunch of girly stuff. That's about it for now.