Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I'm bigger than Rollins

Henry Rollins was here in Oki the other day on a USO type tour of teh Pacific bases. It was pretty cool to meet the man in person, but also a little depressing. He is obvisously not as young as I remembered, and not quite as big either. It's good to see that some musicians from our glory days support the troops seeing that we had some pretty anti-government groups ( fuck you I won't do what you tell me) that we listened to in high school. Other than that not much going on here. THe kids are taking swimming lessons and are doing well. I should be comming home in October for almost a month. Definitlty need to get something going for that time frame.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

New NIN and SOAD

I recently bough the new System of a Down and the new NIN. Both are really good and defintily worth the buy. I must say that SOAD has out out their best album yet. Each song on the album is really good. The best songs are Vileont Pornography and Cigaro. NIN's new album was'nt as good as Mezmerize but still kicks a lot of ass ( I'm sure Derek is going to throgh a fit about that). I really like Only.