Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Say hello to my little mid-life crisis

Well turning thirty happened only a few weeks ago and I think I have made my first mid-life crisis purchase. This is the Harley Davidson Sportswear 1200N Nightser. I will be having this American made 1200cc bad ass delivered to my next duty station. I can't wait. I know that this is so out of the blue and so not Jeremy B, but I really can't wait to jump on and hit the road on this son of a bitch.
On a different subject, I will be getting surgery for a possible abdominal hernia on May 29th. It will be a no big deal and I get to take drugs. So it looks like I come out on top.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Goodish news and more

Well I have some OK news. I found out I will not be getting recruiting orders after all. Instead I will be an instructor at the MOS school that I went to in 98' and 03'. It will actually be a better job for me. Recruiting was going to be a big drain on me. First off the hours would have been long (18 hour days, 6 days a week) and I would have only gotten X-mas (solstice for Nathan) off. Plus it would have been a hard fight just to get America's youth to join the military during a very unpopular time. Now I will be working only 5 days a week, I will be home at 4:30 everyday and I will get all holidays off. I know that it would have been cool living in P-Town but this will be very beneficial for me. I will now have time to work on getting my bachelors degree and I will also be buying a house. I am trying to get out of here mid August. So in the long and short run this will be a real great deal for me.
I went out the weekend before last and I got my advanced open water dive certification. I am now allowed to dive up to 130 feet. I went out to the Karamas islands just south of Okinawa and did some boat dives for part of my cert. I was a really great dive site. I got to finally see a sea turtle and I also got to see two stingrays. I hope I will get the chance to do it again before I leave.
One final note - thirty sucks.
