Sunday, July 30, 2006

This weekend and last weekend... and now today.

Well I went diving during lunch today at a spot 5 mins. from work. We hit 20 feet below the surface and ran right into a whole mob of these stupid jellyfish. It looked just like the jellyfish scene in Finding Nemo. We got without being hit. I would have been fine I was wearing a full suit, my friend on the other hand was in a shortie. This shit has to stop. If there was a way that global warming could effect these jellyfish I would be outside right now burning styrofoam cups and other assorted ozone unfriendly plastics.

So, last weekend we introduced Colin to the world of snorkeling. He seemed to really enjoy but we couldn't spend but five minutes in the water due to the Sea Wasp jellyfish. They have a pretty dangerous sting, so we got the hell out of the water. Here is a picture of my new nemesis.

With the start of a new weekend we decided it would be pretty cool for Colin if we completed his snorkeling equipment by getting him some fins. Mission accomplished but it took all of a Saturday. So today ( Sunday ) we went out looking for an awesome spot for snorkeling. The first beach we went to was a Japanese beach. Much to our dismay they do not allow snorkeling at that beach. No clue why but that's the rules. Next we went to a beach on the Naval base. Wouldn't you know it the little asshole above has infested the beach. I thought maybe there are none in the area. Yeah right I saw four right off the bat. Well after about three hours of trying to find a good spot to snorkel we wound up on the base we live on and went to the pool. What ever.