Monday, March 27, 2006

New Tatoo, Clutch concert, and other stuff

Well, it's been a little while and there is a lot to talk about. First off I got a new tattoo. The writing is Colin's name and the red would be Kaitlyn's name. It's Japanese Katakana. I got it a few weeks ago. That puts me at five now.

Last week I pulled security for Clutch. They are a kick ass band that I have been listening to since 96. They are doing a USO tour in Japan and Hawaii. The concert was awesome . After the show I got them to sign my CD cover and a picture. Everyone should check these guys out. They aren't the typical metal that I listen to, so don't avoid them just because I like them.

Colin scored his first goal in soccer a week or so ago. And then he scored his second in the same game. The final score was 2 to 0. He was so excited after the game. All he could talk about was how he was going to score three goals in the next game. Kerri and I were so proud. The only shitty part was that it had been raining so we didn't have the camcorder or camera, so it will just be a memory. Oh well.

To go with Nathan's last entry Kerri and I just celebrated our 8th anniversary. Pretty crazy huh? Who would of thought that I could be married with kids after what a crazy ass I was in high school. I couldn't ask for a better family. They really have made me a better person. Kerri is the best. I love her so much. She has put up with my shit for 9 years now and hasn't left me. That is quite a feat. But seriously, I really don't know what I would do with out her. The kids are unbelievable. Colin is the coolest little guy I know. He is all about trying to be like daddy. I hope that's a good thing. Kaitlyn, is daddy's little girl. She has me wrapped around her finger. I know when she's a teenager she will be giving me ulcers. Anyways, enough of the mush.

I have no idea when I'll be coming home. Hopefully before I leave this island. It's just so expensive to fly from here.

I am going on trip at the end of next month to Iwo Jima. I will spend my birthday on Mt. Surabachi the location of the famous Iwo Jima flag raising.