Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh yeah...

... I got the fifth gen IPod. It's pretty sweet. I never really thought much about the video, in fact I thought it was a waste to put video on such a small screen, but it actually kicks ass. I have a shit load of music videos, Beavis and Butthead videos and a bunch of SNL skits. Plus I also have Transformers the Movie on it as well.

The answer for the question.

I have no clue on when I will be able to get back to the states. It's looking pretty much booked for space available and tickets are about $900 per person. I just can't afford $3600 to get home for only a few weeks. We will try again in a few months. I will say that there is an open inventories to anyone that wants to venture out our way.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


... didn't go as planned. I'm still here in Japan and it doesn't look like I will be getting out of here anytime soon. The space available flights are basicly booked solid for awhile and to fly out of here will cost me $900 per person. Not happening. I will try to get home as soon as I can. Oh well I guess.