Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm Moving

I got an email the other day that I am finally being offered a house on base. Me and Kerri checked it out and it looks pretty good. It will a town house duplex style home with 3 bedrooms and a decent yard. The best part will be that I can finally get highspeed internet. I will now be able to use imeem to it's fullest. I still plan on comming home at the end October but after that fiasco I had where I got stuck in Korea I will be buying my plane tickets. With the total for my family being around $3000 I will have to do some finicial wizardry to get home. We'll see though. Nathan I have to say thanks for helping me out with a great parrenting tip. You told that when you cuss that if right after you say aa random word such as peanut butter louder than the cuss word that the child will only remember hearing that louder and harmless word. Fucking A PEANUT BUTTER it worked. I tried that last night and to Kerri's dismay the kids were yelling eanut butter all night. Thanks man.