Sunday, May 01, 2005

It's been awhile

All right. I know that it has been a while, but I've been busy as shit. I have graduated my leadership and am back at work. I had a lot fun at the course and learned quite a bit. Now that I am back work I am super busy. We are going through an inspection of how we do maintenance and the way we do the paperwork that is involved. I am getting torn apart. I am good at fixing the gear but my paperwork just blows. Oh well I can easily fix all the discrepancies.
I had my birthday last week. I spent it doing duty ( a 24 hour security post). I got Doom 3(Limited Edition) and First to Fight. Doom 3 is fucking awesome. It really takes a lot to freak me out but this game pulled it off. I really like the fact that it has the old Dooms on it. It felt like 1995 all over again. I also really enjoyed First to Fight for about two hours, then it got really fucking hard and stopped being fun. I will still continue to play it just because it's a Marine Corps FPS and well shit I'd feel less of a Marine if I didn't beat the damn thing.
I got my small pox vaccination two days ago. I am really worried about the whole ease in which I can cross contaminate other parts of my body. I have been constantly using hand sanitizer to ensure the shit doesn't spread.
I'm still planning on going to the reunion, but it is a possibility that I will be in South Korea doing a routine field exercise (not war related at all). If not oh well.
I have set up some pics on photobucket. They are random pics from the last month. The ones of me are from a training op that I went on in early April and at a formal diner event.
That's about it for now.


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