Friday, August 22, 2008

It has indeed been year.

Nathan was right.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My plans

So here are my tentative plans for my return to Oregon. I will be at my mom's house the 1st, 2nd and either leave the 3rd or the 4th. Sorry Colin I have to got there first. I will head out from there. Maybe I can stop by Colin's house around the 3rd or the 4th ( if that is ok with Colin) From there I will head to Corvallis and see my brother and then head to Eugene for the 7th , 8th and 9th leaving for Cali on the 10th. That is my plan and if anyone has anything different to say about it please let me know. I am up for just about anything. I am not trying to invite myself anywhere I am just throwing out ideas.

Friday, August 10, 2007

September 1st

That is the day that I will fly home. I will arrive at PDX early afternoon. I am going to head over to Astoria for a few days like I said in my previous post. After that I really don't know what my plans are. I will go to Corvallis to my brother's but that's about it. I guess I'll go to Nathan's house around 7th since he offered. I am just hoping that Colin is not gone and that Derek is not working for his slave master Safeway. I'll probably just leave on the 10th of September and try to make it down for Kerri's birthday. We'll see. Okinawa has been awesome and the last three years have really flown by, but I am so ready to be back in the states. I will come back here again some day but for now it's good by fried rice, hello fried chicken.

Friday, July 27, 2007

If anyone cares...

... I'll be home in a month (Kerri leaves in a week). I will be back in the good ol' US of A on September 1st. I'll fly into Sea-Tac and from there I will head to Astoria. I will spend a few days there before I head to Corvallis to get my truck from Nick and then I will head to Cali. If anyone has any detour plans let me know. I really don't have too much planed as long as I am in California by September 10th (Kerri's B-Day). Of course this is all subject to change due to the military's unrelenting incompetence in administrative duties. I will keep everyone up date to the more I find out.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Say hello to my little mid-life crisis

Well turning thirty happened only a few weeks ago and I think I have made my first mid-life crisis purchase. This is the Harley Davidson Sportswear 1200N Nightser. I will be having this American made 1200cc bad ass delivered to my next duty station. I can't wait. I know that this is so out of the blue and so not Jeremy B, but I really can't wait to jump on and hit the road on this son of a bitch.
On a different subject, I will be getting surgery for a possible abdominal hernia on May 29th. It will be a no big deal and I get to take drugs. So it looks like I come out on top.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Goodish news and more

Well I have some OK news. I found out I will not be getting recruiting orders after all. Instead I will be an instructor at the MOS school that I went to in 98' and 03'. It will actually be a better job for me. Recruiting was going to be a big drain on me. First off the hours would have been long (18 hour days, 6 days a week) and I would have only gotten X-mas (solstice for Nathan) off. Plus it would have been a hard fight just to get America's youth to join the military during a very unpopular time. Now I will be working only 5 days a week, I will be home at 4:30 everyday and I will get all holidays off. I know that it would have been cool living in P-Town but this will be very beneficial for me. I will now have time to work on getting my bachelors degree and I will also be buying a house. I am trying to get out of here mid August. So in the long and short run this will be a real great deal for me.
I went out the weekend before last and I got my advanced open water dive certification. I am now allowed to dive up to 130 feet. I went out to the Karamas islands just south of Okinawa and did some boat dives for part of my cert. I was a really great dive site. I got to finally see a sea turtle and I also got to see two stingrays. I hope I will get the chance to do it again before I leave.
One final note - thirty sucks.


Monday, March 05, 2007

6 Months Later

That's how long it has taken me to post something new. The holidays have come and gone. I have been to the Philippines and China. Well nothing has really changed though. I 'm in Korea right now. It's really cold. I did finally get an XBox 360, and to accommodate the next gen graphics I got a 40" Sony Bravia LCD. Everything looks better in HD. I will be leaving in Sept. to go to the Recruiter's School in San Diego. After that I will find out where I will be recruiting out of. I am hoping I can get orders to Portland or one of the burbs near it. I will update more as I find out.