Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Movies and August

Before anyone says " You haven't seen that yet" I know that it has been out for a while, but I finally got around to watching Boondock Saints. That was a really awesome movie. Really wish I had seen it sooner. The ending had a good twist and really finished up the movie well. I also saw Life Aquatic and The Aviator recently. Don't even bother with Life Aquatic. I had a real hard time finding anything funny during the entire flick. The Aviator on the other hand was good just a tad long.
I'm going to try and get home in August now that I am not going to South Korea. I am going to try to fly space available so I might not be guaranteed to get on a flight, but it is a free ticket to Seattle. I will try to get there for the class reunion. We'll see.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

I just saw Boondock Saint last weekend

9:28 AM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

Never seen it...Hope you make it home.

10:57 PM  

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