Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My Arm

I wan to rip my left arm off. It is starting to itch really bad from the small pox. The problem is if I touch it I could spread the infection to the rest of my body very easily.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Why do you have small pox?

10:23 AM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

Lick it...I dare you...Better yet wipe it on you package..."Small" Pox rules

3:31 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...


10:58 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Due to the fact that there are reports that North Korea, China and Iran have the capibilites to release tha small pox virus, we have been mandated to get vaccinated against it.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

I still say lick it damn it.

3:00 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Who in the blue fuck is triclos? Second, what the hell do you know about small pox. This is my my forum to bitch and moan about what ever I see see fit to complain about. This is not a blog for some random trogladite to express their random inane enlightenments. If you don't like it, go post your wisedom on some other random blog.

8:22 PM  

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