Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween and stuff

It has been a while and a lot has happened. I moved on base and got a dog ( a beagle named Copper). Got better internet ( cable) but there are so many users on one line that it really isn't that fast. I got a new job. I am now the Shipping and Receiving chief for the Comm Elect. Maint. Platoon. It's pretty good and a lot less stressful than my previous job. I am watching the mt football team, the Saints , systematically ruin an entire football season. I am still loving the moded XBox. I watched Transformers the Movie again. I remember Optimus dying but I totaly forgot about Starscream getting his shot ruined by Galvitron ( a.k.a. Megatron for those that don't follow). Finally Halloween was tonight. The Japanese were really funny to see. They were really over the top as usual but very polite and enthusiastic. Oh year I'm running a marathon on Dec. 5th and I 'll be home for X-Mas. Later.


Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

fucking spammers

10:15 AM  
Blogger goodtoknowu For some unkown reason said...

good bye dusty i couldnt post anywhere else i hope you get this my computers screwed up or the internet this my last gasp....I was worried .... now iam freightened bonita high ,san dimas california
It started when i first saw you freshmen year i wont bore you all that much .....i was stuck i followed you tried to get to know all about you /kinda stopped after i knew i didnt stand a chance basically i was to too passive wouldnt take a chance ...forward to graduation i lost contact with everyone kinda wanted to forget about you ,others would talk crap about you i hate people and there gossip went away came back helped my cousin clean houses during summmer break ,found your name and email address on a bullentin board(how many dws could there be with a san dimas address ) at a house we were cleaning got my mind going again used ther computer got info off it had a friend help with id s etc ,,search found your blog read it got me all excited again thinking of you, i couldnt stop looking you up .only to realizee i went at this all the wrong way. i do know you and have some of the same people in common (not friends since you claim you dont have any )after reading your blog talking with others i guess iam passed you now i get mixed messages like your smart but you have no real education ,yes a degree says something sorry its a fact..
for some reason only you know you dont want anyone in your life i want someone, i like to be close and held and walk on the beach with someone not my dog ,,i want more than a cable guy sorry not to down grade you but thats what the facts look like now ...your "life style" is worded wrong by me ,i and others see you as either very asexual or just dont care about anyone other than yourselve { a shrink says anyone who spends more than 2 hrs aday on acomputer for fun is totally self center and in need of therapy }i know you most likley hate this comment too if you disagree with someone there always wrong ..when i was thinking about writing this i keeped looking back at what others have told me and i didnt really pay attention tooo ex..when ever anyone drives with you or you with them and there is a person or group walking on the side walk girls on 1 side guys on anther side your head turns automatically to the guys just observing,,your mannerisms sitting walking and speech ,,genitics?when was the last time you kissed hugged held cuddled...someone anyone...your not alittle boy anymore but i cant wait i screwed my life up because i thought you were more than you are but thats my own fault cousin lost her house cleaning job i went back to school and im paying her back the money she had to pay backi did other stupid stuff this summer way out of character for me . i am actually getting ready to move this week out of country for a learn abroad program so i will be moving on with my life .
and all this time you though t you knew who i was really ?/think again lisa m is all i give you the year book has all lisa in it
Why you so sure i was a guy too (?)
i will check back her if you care to post or email
maybe a apology for me careing i even thought you were cute and funny everyone thought you were funny but dont all comediens hide childhood hurt thru humour..
whatever yes my major is phsycology.
i really dont know crap just what i read and see .you are who you are ,as is I.
GO for it,, you will anyway be a cable guy ( i know direct satelle)stay in the neb its great living off parents with no real life bills i do the same but at least im in school with a goal and looking for love and several points along this course i would have DONE anything for you or to you but after re reading some crap i think i made a big mistake you have alot of issues you have really changed and not in a good way at least you will always have amicus the neb and ducks and a very good hard drive.......i know i will be back in 8 weeks but i think i will go back to my dads house out of state i too have a screwed up family....i wanted to set the record straight before i moved on with my life.i do believe in god and karma and i dont want what i di d to harm me i already hurt you and my cousin ,i ask for forgivness thats alll but i do know you or did know you............

2:10 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

fucking spammers and dusty's illiterate spelling stalker

1:25 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

WTF? Dear Psycho,
for the record, my blog is not for "Fatal Attraction" style posts. If you have to reach your stalkee this is not the place. Also, I think my blog is full of enough mispellings and gramatical slaughtering that I don't need any outside contibutions.

5:12 PM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

just delete it

4:32 AM  
Blogger goodtoknowu For some unkown reason said...

sorry jeremy wont happen again

nate.. iam not a stalker sorry i cant spell as great as your spell check iam too lazey..
just tried to reach dusty and i did for the record i have a name and email and blog that dusty and now talk thru i finally realized he isnt into women and that is all i needed to know i can go on and he can go on with his life all have fun together he will let you all in on it one day perhaps he needs to grow and figure his life ouas we all did good luck goog bye lisa,

11:43 AM  
Blogger Rob For some unkown reason said...

who the hell is this crazy snatch? Get bent bitch. Oh hey man, how are you liking all those cd's of mine you burned? I'm going to see As I Lay Dying again on Dec. 17th.. and if you're going to be here and even want to, you should go. Oh and I'm going to see Trivium and Children of Bodom on the 23rd of this month, its going to kick ass! Later g funk

2:03 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Hey Rob the CD's fucking rock. I really dig Trivium and AsI lay Dying. Caliban is awesome as well as From Autumn to Ashes. Dimmu Borgir is pretty cool but a little over the top on the death metal voice. I will try to get there for As I lay Dying but I can't promise anything. If any other cool shows are going to be playing in the latter part of Dec. let me know.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Rob For some unkown reason said...

Sweet man, yeah I'm not a huge dimmu borgir fan really.. in fact there are a few bands on those cd's I'm not really crazy about, not that I don't like them. I just have a tendency to download a lot of stuff and burn it onto discs so I can listen to it in my car and see how I like it. Oh but yeah I like Caliban a lot, I don't think you got the new cd though because it was on a disc you didn't burn, its even better than that album you do have.

4:59 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

the fuck? Dusty doesn't even read this blog.

Kill the spammer comments J

3:18 PM  
Blogger Big D Sims For some unkown reason said...

I just heard they are making a new transformers movie, Michael Bay (The Rock, Aramageddon, Bad Boys) is directing it. Can't wait.

2:01 AM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

That should rule.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Rob For some unkown reason said...

I just saw trivium and children of bodom lastnight, and it fucking rocked dude.

4:45 PM  
Blogger King Jeremy the Wicked For some unkown reason said...

Lucky bastard. I'm jealous

11:06 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...



4:35 AM  
Blogger WNW For some unkown reason said...

Yeah, what's the story now? Jan or Feb?

1:21 PM  

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